About Us
The CityLab aims at re-imagining the co-production of space in Dar es Salaam. It’s a space for experimenting and developing solutions for a more sustainable path in African cities. The CityLab seeks to regroup urban researchers, practitioners, game changers, activists and residents to inquire, document and intervene in the way the city is reproduced.

CityLAB Blog
Click on “Learn More” to view our blog posts concerning using citizen participation to engage with the urban form of Dar es Salaam.

Our Video Gallery
Please click on the images below to watch the videos

Chamazi Urban walk
Chamazi urban walk consist of neighborhood visits that the CityLab organizes with representatives of local communities, in order to generate conversations, debates, and grounded understanding of urban transformation in these local communities. It is a bottom up approach that also aims at informing policy responses to local issues.

Heat Stress in Unplanned Urban Settlement: Focus on Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Heat Stress in Unplanned Urban Settlement: Focus on Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
This research project was supported through the Climate Research for Development (CR4D) Programme at the African Academy of Sciences (AAS)
It is executed by the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria in collaboration with the Institute of Human Settlement Studies (IHSS), Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Project Team
Principal Investigator
Dr. Muyiwa Adegun
Dr. Elinorata Mbuya - Contact: mbuyaangela@gmail.com
Dr. Nathalie Jean Batiste
Project Assistant (IHSS)
Emmanuel Njavike

Contact Information
Where To FIND US
CityLab Dar es Salaam Ardhi University Institute of Human Settlements Studies Off University Road Kinondoni Municipality Dar es Salaam, Tanzania